Weighed and Found Wanting

“In the same hour came forth fingers of a man’s hand, and wrote over against
on the candlestick upon the plaister of the wall of the king’s palace: and the
king saw the part of the hand that wrote. Then the king’s countenance was
changed, and his thoughts troubled him…” (Daniel 5:5,6).
He had never given much thought to his responsibility toward God and man.
He probably did not even believe in the supernatural or in judgement after
death. He had always tried to make himself happy for he never bothered about
what lies beyond the grave.
On this day he was merry as he “drank wine before the thousand”. Then
suddenly he saw a vision, television on the wall of his palace! “MENE, MENE,
TEKEL, UPHARSIN”. “Thou art weighed in the balances, and art found
wanting” (Daniel 5:27).
He was troubled!
“The LORD is a God of knowledge, and by Him actions are weighed”
(1Samuel 2:3).
Mr J was a fine, generous, zealous, good man that everybody loved and
appreciated. He served God zealously and had always felt sure of his good
standing in the church. One day he had a dream.
An unknown man entered his room carrying a balance, acids, and some
instruments. Coming close to him, he said, “How is your service to God?”
This question pleased Mr. J much because he considered that his fervent
devotion in the service of the Lord would highly recommend him to God and
highly favour him in God’s sight. While the man waited, J realized that all his
work, zeal and devotion seemed (in the dream) to turn into physical matter.
Putting his hand in his breast he found he could take it out. He then handed in
over to the unknown visitor.
“An hundred kilograms”, said the man after weighing it carefully. Then he
broke it into pieces and he put it in a pot and put a flame to the pot. When it
completely melted, he allowed it cool till it thickened and set. Several layers
fell off the congealed solid one after another as the man tapped it with a
hammer. Each layer was tested and weighed and the results recorded. When
the man completed his work, he gave the paper with the notations to J, and with
a sad look of pity he went away.
Analysis of all of Mr. J’s work, service and devotion:
Personal ambition . .. .. .. 22 Kg.
Love of praise .. .. .. .. 15 Kg.
Denominational pride .. .. .. .. 11 Kg.
Pride of talent and achievement .. .. 10 Kg.
Love of Authority .. .. .. .. 12 Kg.
Love of Money .. .. .. .. .. 14 Kg.
Selfishness .. .. .. .. .. 7 Kg.
Worldly pleasure .. .. .. .. 9 Kg.
Love of God .. .. .. .. .. 0 Kg.
Love of man .. .. .. .. .. 0 Kg.
100 Kg.
What will your look like if analysed?
“Weighed and found wanting”! All men outside of Christ are motivated by
SELF whatever they do. All works done outside Christ are not done according
to God’s will, so they are not accepted.
“All your righteousness are as filthy rags”. Will “filthy rags” recommend you
to God? Can “filthy rags” be accepted as substitute for the “robe of
righteousness”, “the garment of salvation”, “the fine linen, clean and white”?
Throw off your confidence in your “rags” and come to Christ for cleansing and
Remove such rags as confidence in the error that you can be a Christian from
the day you were born just because your parents are Christians and you got
dedicated (or even baptized) on the eight day; you do not become a Christian, a
child of God, that way. You need to repent and be converted. That means you
should confess all inward and outward sins now such as deceit, bearing false
witness, stealing, cruelty, fighting, pride, gossiping, and so on.
Going to church, whatever your denomination, without a change of heart will
not save you. If you say you are a Christian and you still commit sin even if it
is one lie in five years you’ll still go to Hell, be you Pastor, Prophet, Apostle,
Bishop or Priest, unless you repent and turn to God. Without a genuine
conversion experience that removes sin from your life, you are lost whether or
not you perform miracles that heal the sick, or raise the dead. Whosoever is
born of God does not commit sin for he keepeth himself and Satan touches him
not. (1 John. 5:18.)
Tell God you are now taking a right-about turn: a decision not to ever go back
into these sins you have confessed. Believe Him that He’s able to keep you
from all sin and that since you have now sincerely come to Him, He has
accepted you as His child. Old things pass away, all things have become new.
Ask and accept pardon from God through Jesus Christ. Ask and receive grace
to live in newness of life. DO IT NOW.

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